DBH-15.The Nest둥지

15.둥지 : The Nest
Detroit Become Human

NOV 6TH, 2038
Hank: Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Gary: Hank. How’ you doing?
Hank: Eh, you know, same old shit.
Gary: Plastic with you?
Hank: Only temporary…
Gary: Usual.
Pedro: Hey, hey, hey… Hank! How you doin’, man?
Hank: ¡Ese!
Pedro: Hey, listen, I got a shit-hot tip for you.
Pedro: Number five in the third,
Pedro: Lickety-split!
Pedro: That filly’s one hell of a chaser.
Pedro: You wanna flutter?
Hank: Last shit-hot tip you gave me set me back a week’s wages, Pedro …
Pedro: Come on, this is different, it’s 100% guaranteed. You can’t go wrong.
Hank: Yeah, right… Alright, I’m in.
Pedro: Damn straight!
Pedro: Hey! You won’t regret this!
Hank: What is your problem?
Hank: Don’t you ever do as you’re told?
Hank: Look, you don’t have to follow me around like a poodle!
Connor: I’m sorry for my behavior back at the police station.
Connor: I didn’t mean to be unpleasant.
Hank: Oh, wow…
Hank: You’ve even got a brown-nosing apology program!
Hank: Guys at CyberLife thought of everything, huh?
Gary: Here you go.
Hank: Ah! Thanks, Gary. I’m starving…
Gary: Don’t leave that thing here!
Hank: Huh, not a chance! Follows me everywhere… See…
Connor: Enjoy your meal.
Hank: Thank you.
Connor: You didn’t pay for your meal…
Hank: Gary’s a friend
Hank: I scratch his back, he scratches mine.
Connor: Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?
Connor: Why do you hate androids so much?
Hank: I have my reasons.
Connor: Maybe I should tell you what we know about deviants?
Hank: You read my mind… Proceed.
Connor: We believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids,
Connor: which can lead to them emulating a human emotion.
Hank: In English, please.
Connor: They don’t really feel emotions, they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions,
Connor: which can lead to unpredictable behavior.
Hank: Emotions always screw everything up…
Hank: Maybe androids aren’t as different from us as we thought.
Connor: Is there anything you’d like to know about me?
Hank: Hell, no… Well,
Hank: yeah, um..
Hank: Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?
Connor: CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans.
Connor: Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration.
Hank: Well, they fucked up.
Hank: You ever dealt with deviants before?
Connor: A few months back…
Connor: A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl…
Connor: I managed to save her…
Hank: So, I guess you’ve done all your homework, right?
Hank: Know everything there is to know about me?
Connor: I’m focused on the case, Lieutenant…
Connor: The rest doesn’t concern me.
Connor: I just got a report of a suspected deviant.
Connor: It’s a few blocks away.
Connor: We should go have a look.
Connor: I’ll let you finish your meal.
Connor: I’ll be in the car, if you need me.
Hank: Hey Connor!
Hank: You ran outta batteries or what?
Connor: I’m sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife.
Hank: Uh…
Hank: Well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?
Connor: No! I’m coming.
Hank: What do we know about this guy?
Connor: Not much.
Connor: Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor.
Connor: Nobody’s supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap.
Hank: Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we’re gonna need more cops.
Hank: Hey, were you really makin’ a report back there in the elevator?
Hank: Just by closing your eyes?
Connor: Correct.
Connor: Anybody home?
Connor: Open up! Detroit Police!1
Hank: Stay behind me.
Connor: Got it.
Hank: What the fuck is this?!
Hank: Jesus, this place stinks…
Hank: Uh, looks like we came for nothin’,
Hank: our man’s gone…
Connor: “R.T.”
Connor: Probably initials.
Hank: He put his initials on his jacket?
Hank: That’s something your mom does when you’re in first grade…
Connor: The driver’s license is fake.
Hank: Cool! At least we didn’t come for nothing…
Hank: Agh! Jesus I hate these things!
Connor: Its LED is in the sink.
Hank: Not surprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fuckin’ pigeons…
Hank: Real books… I thought I was the last guy in Detroit to keep some…
Hank: electronic books you can’t… smell the paper…
Hank: Any idea what do you means?
Connor: written 2471 times…
Connor: It’s the same sign Ortiz’s android wrote on the shower wall…
Connor: Why are they obsessed with this sign?…
Hank: Looks like mazes or something…
Hank: Birdseed…
Hank: I can’t believe it.
Hank: This nutjob was actually feeding these fuckers…
Hank: God damn fuckin’ pigeons!
Hank: What are you waiting for?! Chase it!
Hey! Be careful, asshole!
What are you doing?!
Hank: Shit! Oh SHIT! We had it! FUCK!
Connor: It’s my fault,
Connor: I should have been faster.
Hank: You’d have caught it if it weren’t for me…
Hank: That’s alright.
Hank: We know what it looks like.
Hank: We’ll find it…
Hank: Hey, Connor…
Hank: Nothing.

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