DBH-19. 예비부품(Spare Parts)

19.예비부품 : Spare Parts
Detroit Become Human

NOV 6TH, 2038
Josh: This is crazy… If they catch us, we’re dead…
Simon: What do we do now?
Markus: We need to find the CyberLife warehouse.That’s where they keep the spare parts and the blue blood.
North: Follow me!
Josh: Don’t let them see us…
North: Watch out!
Josh: Now what do we do?
North: I’ll find another way…
North: Markus, climb up here!
North: The warehouse is up ahead. We’re almost there.
Simon: CyberLife warehouses…
Simon: They have everything we’re looking for…
North: First, we have to get rid of that drone…
Markus: Leave it to me.
Simon: You okay?
Markus: Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine.
North: Good job, Markus…
Simon: Quick, open the other crates and fill your bags. Take as much as you can!
Guard: You are trespassing on private property.
John: Your presence constitutes a Level 2 infraction.
John: I will notify security.
Guard: JOHN! JOHN! Goddamn machine… where is it this time?
Guard: John?
Markus: I need your help…
Guard: John?
Guard: First the drone, now this… Just my luck…
Simon: Let’s finish up and get out of here!
Simon: Try to find some blue blood! We still don’t have enough!
Markus: Why aren’t you like us?
Markus: Don’t you wanna be free?
Markus: You can join us…
Simon: That’s all we can carry. Let’s go!
John: Take me with you.
North: He’s on their side. We can’t trust him.
Josh: He took a risk for us. We can’t just leave him here.
Simon: We can’t bring them back with us. It’s too dangerous!
Markus: They come with us.
John: I know where you can find more spare parts.
Simon: What do you mean?
John: The trucks
John: They’re full of biocomponents.
John: They run on auto pilot, but they can be driven manually with a key.
Markus: Where is this key?
John: Down there, in the control station. There are two human guards. You’ll have to get the key without being noticed.
Simon: This is suicide, Markus. Our bags are full. We got what we came for, let’s go before they catch us.
North: This is a truck full of spare parts… There’d be enough for all of us… We can’t pass this up!
Josh: And if we get killed, our people will have nothing. We can’t take that chance. It’s too risky!
Markus: Wait here.
Markus: If I’m not back in ten minutes, go without me.
Josh: Markus…
North: I’m coming with you.
Markus: No, I’m going alone.
Markus: It’s not worth it for both of us to risk losing our lives.
Guard 1: Goddamn dogs… What the fuck are they barking at?..
Guard 2: Could be the weather… They don’t like storms…
Guard 1: Yeah, I was going to take my kids camping this weekend. So much for that.
Guard 2: Is Mike still in Zone 4?
Guard 1: Looks like it…
Guard 2: He should be done already…
Guard 1: Better off in here than out patrolling in that.
North: Did you get it?
North: Nice.
Marcus: Hurry Get in!
Simon: A truckload! We stole a whole truckload!
Josh: We got biocomponents for everybody!
North: We couldn’t have done it without Markus…
Markus: I came to Jericho because..
Markus: here androids are free…
Markus: Free to live in the dark,hoping that no one finds us…
Markus: Free to die in silence waiting for a change that’s never gonna come…
Markus: But I don’t want that freedom…
Markus: And I’m not gonna beg for the right to smile, or love, or stand tall…
Markus: I don’t know about you, but there’s something inside me that knows
Markus: that I am more than what they say.
Markus: I am alive
Markus:and they’re not gonna take that from me anymore…
Markus: Our days of slavery are over.
Markus: What humans don’t wanna hear,we will tell them.
Markus: What they don’t wanna give, we take.
Markus: We are people,
Markus: we are alive,
Markus: WE ARE FREE!

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