DBH-4.NewHome 새로운 집

Detroit Become Human 디트로이트 비컴 휴먼

4.New Home 새로운 집

NOV 5TH, 2038
PM 04:53

[Joining Todd]

Todd: You comin’?

Todd: You’ve been gone for two weeks, so the place is a mess…

Where the fuck’s the brat gone now?

Todd : You do the housework, the washing, you cook the meals, and you take care of… Goddamit!


Todd : Oh, there you are… You look after her, homework, bath, all that crap… Got it?

Kara: Yes, Todd.

Todd: Get started down here, then you do upstairs.Todd.

[ Scan major missions ]

Todd: Yeah? Maybe…

Todd: Maybe…

Todd: Yeah? Maybe… Depends on what you need…

Todd: Yeah, yeah I can get that.

Todd : Yeah, yeah I’ll bring it tomorrow.

Todd : Yes, same place, you know, you know where. Right.

Todd : Right

Todd: TV on.

Todd: What the fuck, man?

Todd: Whatta ya lookin’ at?

Todd: Get the fuck outta here!


Kara: I’ll get back to work.

Kara: I’ve made a good start down here. I’ll head upstairs.

Todd: Do what you have to do but stop botherin’ me.

Todd: Fucking headache, man. The girl’s a fucking headache.

Michael Webb – Channel 16: And now to sports. First up,
basketball: as the Gears prepare for their critical match with Denver tonight at the CyberLife Arena in Detroit

Michael Brinkley – CTN TV: Another 225,000 jobs were lost from the US economy in October,
according to the Department of Labor, bringing the unemployment figure up to 37.3%.

Rosanna Cartland – KNC: President Warren spoke today at the opening of a new CyberLife plant near Milwaukee.

Rosanna Cartland – KNC: At the event,
the President again praised CyberLife’s role in the exceptional performance of the US economy.

She further announced that the Department of Defense will acquire 200,000 android combat units
as part of her increased military spending.unced that the Department of Defense
will acquire 200,000 android combat units as part of her increased military spending.

[ antidepressants ]

[ the value of life ]

Todd: Watch it.

Kara: I just want to tidy up your room a little. I only need two minutes. Is that okay, Alice?

Kara: Alice in Wonderland… of course…

Kara: Seems you like reading…

Kara: I’m sure we used to be friends before I was reset. Maybe we can be friends again.

Kara: Your father said you chose my name. Kara, it’s nice. How did you choose it?

Kara: You’re very quiet. I hope I don’t scare you.

Kara: You should tell me about yourself, what you like to do, where you like to go, your favorite foods…
That would really help me.

Todd: What are you doing?

Alice: I… I’m playing…

Todd: You’re playing….

Todd: know what you’re thinking…

Todd : You think your dad’s a lowlife… Huh? Fucking loser?..

Todd : Can’t get a job, take care of his family? Don’t you think I tried to make things work?

But whatever I do, when someone comes along they just FUCK IT ALL UP!

I know what you think of me… You hate me… You hate me don’t you?…


Todd : God what am I doing?

Todd : I’m sorry honey, I’m sorry… I’m sorry… You know I love you, don’t you?… You know I love you…

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