

NOV 5TH, 2038

Derek Myers: Shit, I thought androids weren’t allowed in here!

Christopher Gray: What’s your problem?

Christopher Gray: You wanna buy me a drink? That’s what I thought…


Connor: Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor.I’m the android sent by CyberLife.
I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were

Connor:They said you were probably having a drink nearby. I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar.

Hank: What do you want?

Connor: You were assigned a case early this evening.

Connor: A homicide, involving a CyberLife android

Connor: In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators.

Hank: Well, I don’t need any assistance. Specially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil’ robot and get the fuck outta here.

Connor: I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but I am-

Hank: I am perfectly comfortable… Now back off, before I crush you like an empty beer can!

Connor: Listen, I think you should stop drinking and come with me. It’ll make life easier for both of us.

Connor: You know what?

Connor: I’ll buy you one for the road.

Conor: What do you say?

Connor : Bartender, the same again, please!

Hank: See that, Jim? Wonders of technology… Make it a double.

Hank: Did you say homicide?

Hank: You wait here. I won’t be long.

Connor: My instructions are to accompany you to the crime scene, Lieutenant.

Hank: Listen, I don’t give a fuck about your instructions.

Hank: I told you to wait here, so you shut the fuck up and you wait here.

Journalist: Joss Douglas, for Channel 16. Can you confirm that this is a homicide?

Hank: I’m not confirming anything.

I didn’t even know there was someone living there…

Have they said anything?

My god! What happened in there?

Typical DPD… They don’t tell us shit!

I always knew that guy was a fucking creep.

Police android: Androids are not permitted beyond this point.

Hank: It’s with me.

Hank: What part of ‘stay in the car’ didn’t you understand?

Connor: Your order contradicted my instructions, Lieutenant.

Hank: You don’t talk, you don’t touch anything and you stay outta my way, got it?

Connor: Got it,

Ben: Evening, Hank. We were starting to think you weren’t gonna show…

Hank: Yeah, that was the plan until this asshole found me.

Ben: So… you got yourself an android, huh?

Hank: Oh, very funny. Just tell me what happened.

Ben: We had a call around eight from the landlord. The tenant hadn’t paid his rent for a few months,
so he thought he’d drop by, see what was going on…

Ben : That’s when he found the body…

Ben : Jesus, that smell!

Ben : Was even worse before we opened the windows…

Ben : The victim’s name’s Carlos Ortiz.

Ben : He has a record for theft and aggravated assault…

Ben : According to the neighbors, he was kind of a loner…

Ben : Stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him.

Hank: Uh, state he’s in… Wasn’t worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night… Could’ve waited ’til morning.

Ben: I’d say he’s been there for a good three weeks.We’ll know more when the coroner gets here.

Ben : There’s a kitchen knife over here…

Ben : Probably the murder weapon…

Hank: Any sign of a break-in?

Ben: Nope…

Ben: The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside,
all the windows were boarded up. The killer must’ve gone out the back way.

Hank: What do we know about his android?

Ben: Not much.

Ben: The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn’t here when we arrived….

Ben: I gotta get some air.

Ben : Make yourself at home. I’ll be outside if you need me.

[ Victim used drugs ]

Hank: Each letter is perfect…

Hank: It’s way too neat, no human writes like this.

[ No fingerprints. Android involvement? ]

Hank: Err, Jesus! What the hell are you doing?

Connor: I’m analyzing the blood.

Connor : I can check samples in real time.

Connor : I’m sorry, I should have warned you…

Hank: Ok, just… don’t… put anymore evidence in your mouth, you got it?

Connor: Got it.

Hank: Fucking hell, I can’t believe this shit…

[ Dried blood ]

Hank: Chris, was this written in the victim’s blood?

[ Dried blood ]

Chris: I would say so… We’re taking samples for analysis.

Hank: Red ice…

Hank: Seems our friend Carlos liked to party…

Hank: Chris, I want full analysis on the narcotics.

Chris: Consider it done, Lieutenant.

Chris: Hey, Mike, you finished taking samples there?

CSI: Yeah, that’s it.

[ Dried Blood ]

[ Fingerprint ]

[ Signs of physical struggle ]

[ depression ]

[ Fingerprint ]

[ The defective product(deviant) picked up the knife. ]

[ Defective product(Deviant) attacked : traumatized ]

CSI: What’s keeping the Coroner? He should’ve been here a half hour ago…

Chris: He’s on his way. It won’t be long now.

[ Compulsive writing ]

[ a religious tribute ]

[ A shoe print ]

Hank: Door was locked from the inside.

Hank: Killer must’ve gone out this way…

Connor: There are no footprints, apart from officer Collins’ size 10 shoes.

Hank: Well, this happened weeks ago.

Hank: Tracks could’ve faded.

Connor: No, this type of soil would’ve retained a trace.

Connor: Nobody’s been out here for a long time.

[ Defective product did not escape this way ]

Hank: All right… I’m outta here. Thanks for the ride.

Hank: Great party.

Connor: Wait, Lieutenant! I can’t stay if you leave.

Hank: Much as it breaks my heart, this is where we part ways.

Connor: I just need five minutes to finish my investigation.

Connor: Please, Lieutenant. Remember the drink I bought you at the bar? Just five minutes.

Hank: Five minutes.

Connor: Thank you, Lieutenant.

Hank: Whatever!

[ 28 stab wounds ]

[ 28 stab wounds ]


[ Died, Carlos Diaz ]

[ Fingerprint ]

[ The victim fell down here ]

[ The victim was stabbed ]

Connor: He was stabbed 28 times.

Hank: Yeah, seems like the killer really had it in for him.

[ They’re from the kitchen ]

Connor: Lieutenant, I think I’ve figured out what happened.

Hank: Oh yeah? Shoot. I’m all ears.

Connor: It all started…

Connor: …in the kitchen.

Hank: There’re obvious signs of a struggle… The question is,

Hank : what exactly happened here…

Connor: I think the victim attacked the android…

Connor: …With the bat.

Hank: That lines up with the evidence… Go on.

Connor: The android stabbed the victim.

Hank: So the android was trying to defend itself, right?.. Okay, then what happened?

Connor: The victim fled to…

Connor: … the living room.

Hank: And he tried to get away from the android…

Hank: All right, that makes sense…

Connor: The android murdered the victim…

Connor: …with the knife.

Hank: Ok

Hank: your theory’s not totally ridiculous…

Hank: but it doesn’t tell us where the android went.

Connor: It was damaged by the bat… and lost some Thirium…

Hank: Lost some what?

Connor: Thirium.

Connor: You call it “Blue Blood”.

Connor: It’s the fluid that powers androids’ biocomponents.

Connor : It evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye.

Hank: Oh…

Hank: Oh… But I bet you can still see it, can’t you?

Connor: Correct.

Hank: Yeah…

[ Using a ladder ]

[ Traces leading to the attic ]

Hank: Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doin’ with that chair?

Connor: I’m going to check something.

Hank: Huh… gonna check something.

[ search the attic ]

[ Found a defective product ]

Deviant: I was just defending myself…

Deviant: He was gonna kill me.… I’m begging you… Don’t tell them.

Hank: Connor, what the fuck is going on up there?

Connor: It’s here, Lieutenant!

Hank: Holy shit… Chris, Ben, get your asses in here now. Come on!

Hank: Come on!

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