DBH-7.Stormy Night폭풍이부는 밤

Detroit Become Human
7.폭풍이부는 밤 : Stormy Night

NOV 5TH, 2038

Kara: Todd?

Todd: Huh?!

Kara: Dinner is ready.

Todd: Yeah, yeah, I’m coming…

[ preparing a meal ]

Kara: There wasn’t much in the kitchen, I did what I could.

Todd: Life’s funny…

Todd: I lost my job cause of androids…

Todd: then when I need somebody to take care of this goddamn house,

Todd: what do I do?

Todd: I go out and hire a fucking android…

Todd:What a joke!

Todd:Course, androids are so fucking wonderful…

Todd:They never fail, they’re never tired, never sad…

Todd:They’re so fucking perfect, they ruined my fucking life…

Todd: What are you looking at?…

Todd: What’s your fuckin’ problem?

Todd:Not the life you dreamed of, eh?

Todd:Maybe you think this is easy?

Todd:Maybe you think it’s my fault we live in this fuckin’ shithole,

Todd:my fault your fuckin’ mother took off?

Todd:You should stop takin’ drugs,

Todd:Todd. Sometimes you really scare me, Todd.

Todd:Fuckin’ bitch took off without a word.

Todd:Fuckin’ whore walked out on me for a fuckin’ accountant!

Todd:It’s all your fault!

Alice: Daddy, no…

Todd: It’s all your fucking fault!

Todd: Get back here

Todd:Come back here!

Todd:Come back here right now!

Todd: You stay there!

Todd: Don’t you dare fucking move,

Todd:or I’ll bust you worse than last time.

[ Don’t move ]

Todd: Whore took off, without a word…

Todd: I could’ve been happy…

Todd: coulda had a family… But NO…

Todd:Did she ever give a shit about how I felt?

Todd:I did everything I could to make her happy,but it just wasn’t enough…

Todd:I just wasn’t good enough for her…

Todd:Oh, that little fucking brat…

Todd:It’s all her fault…


[ Protecting Ellis ]

[ Convince Todd ]

Todd : I’ll teach you to respect your father!

Alice: He’s coming! He’s gonna hurt me!

Todd : Alice!

Alice: Run! Get away or he’s gonna break you like last time.

Todd: Alice! You deserve to be taught a good lesson…

Kara: You’re coming with me.

Todd: Daddy’s very mad, Alice. Very mad!

Todd: Todd: Fuckin’ brat… it’s all her fault… It’s all her fuckin’ fault…


Todd : You ain’t goin’ nowhere! You’re mine!

Alice: Quick! He’s coming!


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