
Detroit Become Human
12 WaitingForHank:행크를기다리며

Connor: Hello, Amanda.
Amanda: Connor…
Amanda: It’s good to see you.
Amanda: Congratulations, Connor…
Amanda: Finding that deviant was far from easy,
Amanda: and the way you interrogated it was very clever.
Amanda: You’ve been remarkably efficient, Connor.
Connor: Thank you, Amanda.
Amanda: We’ve asked the DPD to transfer it to us for further study.
Amanda: It may teach us something about what happened.
Amanda: The interrogation seemed… challenging…
Amanda: What did you think of the deviant?
Connor: It showed signs of PTSD after being abused by its owner,
Connor: as if its original program had been completely replaced by new instructions.
Amanda: This…
Amanda: This… Lieutenant Anderson has been officially assigned to the deviancy case…
Amanda: What do you make of him?
Connor: I think he’s irritable,
Connor: and socially challenged.
Connor: But I also think he used to be a good detective…
Connor: He’s an intriguing character.
Amanda: Unfortunately, we have no choice but to work with him…
Amanda: What do you think is the best approach?
Connor: I will adapt to his personality
Connor: It is in the best interest of the investigation that I avoid conflict and try to accommodate his psychology.
Amanda: More and more androids show signs of deviancy.
Amanda: There are millions in circulation
Amanda: If they become unstable, the consequences will be disastrous.
Amanda: You are the most advanced prototype CyberLife has ever created.
Amanda: If anyone can figure out what’s happening, it’s you.
Connor: You can count on me, Amanda.
Amanda: Hurry, Connor. There’s little time.
Android: Can I help you?
Connor: I’m here to see Lieutenant Anderson.
Android: Do you have authorization?
Connor: Yes.
Android: Lieutenant Anderson hasn’t arrived yet, but you can wait at his desk.
Woman: You might be in shock, just… Just take it easy.
Man: Yeah…
Man: Would you mind getting me some water, please?
Woman: Sure.
Chris: You still here?
Chris: I thought your assignment was over.
Connor: It’s just been extended.
Chris: Hank’s gonna be overjoyed to hear that…
Connor: Excuse me.
Connor: Do you know what time Lieutenant Anderson usually arrives?
Wilson: Depends on where he was the night before…
Wilson: If we’re lucky, we’ll see him before noon…
Connor: Thanks.
Connor: Call Hank Anderson.
Hank: Hi, this is Hank.
Hank: Not here at the moment.
Hank: You can leave a message if that’s what turns you on but don’t expect me to call back
Hank: Beep… Whatever.
Connor: Lieutenant Anderson? This is Connor, I’m the android sent by CyberLife
Connor: It’s almost noon and I’m waiting for you at the office.
Connor: It’s good to see you again, Lieutenant.
Hank: Uh, Jesus…
Fowler: Hank! In my office!
Gavin: fuck… Look at that…
Gavin: Our friend the plastic detective is back in town!
Gavin: Congratulations on last night, very impressive!
Gavin: Never seen an android like you before…
Gavin: What model are you?
Gavin: Hey, asshole, I’m talkin’ to you!
Gavin: Hey, bring me a coffee, dipshit!
Gavin: I gave you an order!
Connor: I’m sorry, but I only take orders from Lieutenant Anderson.
Gavin: Oh… Oh…
Gavin: When a human gives you an order, you obey.
Gavin: Got it?
Gavin: Stay outta my way…
Gavin: Next time, you won’t get off so easy.
Michael Brinkley – CTN TV: Several sources report that CyberLife has provided Detroit Police with a prototype detective android.
Michael Brinkley – CTN TV: Although police assistant androids have existed for several years now,
this would be the first case of an android being authorized to play an active role in criminal investigations.
Michael Brinkley – CTN TV: We contacted CyberLife for comment but no one was available to answer our questions.
Rosanna Cartland – KNC: The first book written by an artificial intelligence has just been published and
to call it a success would be an understatement – Do Humans Dream of Mammalian Sheep? has shot to the top of the bestseller list.

Rosanna Cartland – KNC: Moreover, critics are unanimous in their praise for the depth of thought and originality of
this first work. Designed by CyberLife, the AI known as VOLTAIRE analyzed human centers of interest on social networks for
several months before its complex algorithms generated the plot of the novel.

Connor: I get the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant.
Connor: I’d like you to know I’m very sorry about that.
Connor: Now that we’re partners,it would be great to get to know each other better.
Connor: Is there a desk anywhere I could use?
Hank: No one’s using that one.
Connor: You have a dog, right?
Hank: How do you know that?
Connor: The dog hairs on your chair.
Connor: I like dogs. What’s your dog’s name?
Hank: What’s it to you?
Hank: Sumo
Hank: I call him Sumo.
Connor: You’re a Detroit Gears fan, right?
Connor: Denton Carter scored 53% of his shots from the three-point line yesterday.
Connor: Did you see the game?
Hank: That’s what I was watchin’ at the bar last night.
Connor: Oh…
Connor: A lot of people don’t appreciate having androids around…
Connor: I was wondering… Is there any reason in particular you despise me?
Hank: Yeah… there is one.
Connor: If you have any files on deviants,
Connor: I’d like to take a look at them…
Hank: Terminal’s on your desk.Knock yourself out.
Connor: 243 files…
Connor: The first dates back nine months…
Connor: It all started in Detroit… And quickly spread across the country…
Connor: An AX400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night.
Connor: That could be a good starting point for our investigation.
Connor: I understand you’re facing personal issues, Lieutenant
Connor: but you need to move past them… and-
Hank: Hey! Don’t talk to me like you know me. I’m not your friend and I don’t need your advice, okay?
Connor: I suggest you sort out your personal issues and let me work with someone more competent.
Hank: Listen, asshole. If it was up to me, I’d throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So, stop pissing me off…
Hank: or things are gonna get nasty.
Chris: Lieutenant…
Chris: uh…sorry to disturb you
Chris: I have some information on the AX400 that attacked the guy last night…
Chris: It’s been seen in the Ravendale district.
Chris: Hank: I’m on it.

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