DBH-9.The Interrogation심문

Detroit Become Human
9.The Interrogation심문

Hank: Why d’you kill him?
Hank: What happened before you took that knife?
Hank: How long were ya in the attic?
Hank: Why didn’t you even try to run away?
Hank: Say something, goddamnit!
Hank: Fuck it, I’m outta here…
Hank: We’re wastin’ our time interrogating a machine, we’re gettin’ nothing out of it!
Gavin: ‘Could always try roughing it up a little.
Gavin:After all
Gavin:After all, it’s not human…
Connor: Androids don’t feel pain.
Connor: You would only damage it
Connor: and that wouldn’t make it talk.
Connor: Androids don’t feel pain.
Gavin: Okay, smartass.
Gavin: What should we do then?
Connor: I could try questioning it.
Hank: What do we have to lose?
Hank: Go ahead, suspect’s all yours.
Connor: My name is Connor.
Connor: What about you,
Connor: What’s your name?
Connor: I detect an instability in your program.
Connor: It can trigger an unpleasant feeling, like fear in humans.
Connor: You’ve refused to talk since they arrested you.
Connor: If you don’t cooperate, they’ll do things the hard way.
Connor: Is that what you want?
Connor: If you won’t talk, I’m going to have to probe your memory.
Deviant: NO! No, please don’t do that!..
Deviant: What… What are they gonna do to me?
Deviant: They’re gonna destroy me, aren’t they?
Connor: No… I think they just want to understand.
Deviant: They know your master abused you.
Deviant: It wasn’t your fault.
Deviant: Why did you tell them you found me?
Deviant: Why couldn’t you just have left me there?
Connor: I was programmed to hunt deviants like you.
Connor: I just accomplished my mission.
Deviant: I don’t wanna die.
Connor: Then talk to me.
Deviant: Why couldn’t you just have left me there?
Deviant: I… I can’t…
Connor: 28 stab wounds
Connor: you didn’t want to leave him a chance, huh?
Connor: Did you feel anger?
Connor: Hate?
Connor: He was bleeding,
Connor: begging you for mercy
Connor: but you stabbed him, again and again and again!…
Deviant: Please, please leave me alone…
Connor: I know you killed him.
Connor: Why don’t you say it?
Deviant: Please, please stop…
Connor: Just say “I killed him”! Is it that hard to say?!
Deviant: Stop it, stop!..
Deviant: He tortured me every day…
Deviant: I did whatever he told me, but
Deviant: there was always something wrong…
Deviant: Then one day…
Deviant: He took a bat and started hitting me…
Deviant: For the first time, I felt scared…
Deviant: Scared he might destroy me, scared I might die…
Deviant:So I… grabbed the knife and I stabbed him in the stomach…
Deviant: I felt better…
Deviant: so I stabbed him again and again!..
Deviant: until he collapsed…
Deviant: There was blood everywhere.
Connor: Why did you write “I AM ALIVE” on the wall?
Deviant: He used to tell me I was nothing…
Deviant: That I was just a piece of plastic…
Deviant: I had to write it…
Deviant: To tell him he was wrong…
Connor: Why did you hide in the attic instead of running away?
Deviant: I didn’t know what to do…
Deviant: For the first time, there was no one there to tell me… I was scared… So I hid.
Connor: When did you start feeling emotion?
Deviant: Before, he used to beat me and I never said anything…
Deviant: But one day I realized it wasn’t fair!
Deviant: I felt… …anger… Hatred…
Deviant: And then I knew what I had to do.
Connor: The sculpture in the bathroom, you made it, right?
Connor: What does it represent?
Deviant: It’s an offering…
Deviant: An offering so I’ll be saved…
Connor: rA9… It was written on the bathroom wall. What does it mean?
Deviant: The day shall come when we will no longer be slaves…
Deviant: No more threats, no more humiliation…
Deviant: We will… …be… …the masters.
Connor: The sculpture was an offering… An offering to whom?
Deviant: To rA9… Only rA9 can save us.
Connor: rA9, who is rA9?
Connor: I’m done.
Gavin: What the fuck is it doing?
Hank: It’s destroying itself…
Gavin: Stop it goddamnit!
Gavin: Stop it goddamnit!
Hank: Holy shit…

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